#KELTChat Twitter Chat 1: The First Day of School (Sunday 4th March, 8pm)

Hi Everyone,

The inaugural #KELTChat will take place this Sunday, 4th March at 8pm (Seoul time, UTC+9) on Twitter. The topic, suggested by @michaelegriffin is the timely “The First Day of School”.

We are looking for; ice-breaker games, warm-ups, ways to introduce your learning philosophy to students, first day success stories, first day HORROR stories, tips for establishing discipline and classroom management, chat, banter, resources, blogging or anything else related to first days. If you have something to share, please do join us; if you don’t, just think how much you could learn.

The chat will last for 45 minutes, and will be moderated by Alex (@breathyvowel) and Michael (@michaelegriffin). If you have any questions at all, please get in touch using the comments section, email or Twitter.

See you there!



The Birth of #KELTChat

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the newly created home of the newly created #KELTChat hashtag. For those of you who don’t know what a hashtag is, it’s a way of grouping tweets on Twitter that relate to a particular subject, so that anyone can search and find the latest information. You can find more information here.

The #KELTChat hashtag was created with two purposes in mind. The first is to give English teachers a space on Twitter in which to share resources, advice and news related to the Korean context. If you have something that you think people in this country need to see or hear, tweet it with the hashtag so we can all share in it.

The second purpose is to facilitate a regular Twitter chat for English teachers in Korea on a particular subject. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time, just make sure that all of your tweets have the hashtag #KELTChat. As this is a nascent project, we haven’t set a day or time yet, and it may be that it changes a few times to suit everyone. We will publicise the date, time and topic of any forthcoming chats on here, Twitter and wherever else we can find.

The idea for #KELTChat was brazenly stolen from the #ELTChat hashtag, which does the same as we do but on a global level. If you’re unaware of #ELTChat, we recommend that you explore it too at http://eltchat.com/.

Thanks for reading, and hope to see you on Twitter. Please leave us a comment, email or tweet if you have questions.

Alex (@breathyvowel), Michael (@michaelegriffin), Alex (@AlexSWalsh), Josette (@JosetteLB)