#KELTChat Slowburn: “Using social media with students” (Tuesday, September 15, 11am-6pm KST)

As KELTchatters our enthusiasm for social media for professional development is well-documented. But what about using social media with students for their English development? In this chat we’d like to share thoughts, experiences, challenges and ideas related to using social media with students.  This post  Social Media and ELT  from the Oxford ELT blog (from 2012) is perhaps ancient in social media terms but it provides a nice overview.

This chat is a Slowburn chat, meaning that it takes place over a much longer time than regular Twitter chats. We hope people will dip in and out of the chat throughout the day as their schedules allow; we don’t expect anyone to be involved for the whole 7 hours.

Some general questions to consider: 

  • What are the benefits of using social media with students of English?
  • What challenges might teachers who want to use social media with students face?
    How might we face these challenges?
  • What do students and other stakeholders think about using social media to improve their English?
    Might we have to encourage buy-in on social media projects? How can we do this?
  • What advice would you give someone thinking about implementing social media in their classes?
  • What about the technological and educational landscape in Korea makes it a nice choice for using social media with students? What aspects make it less than a great fit? How is Korea similar and different to other places in terms of social media and tech?
  • What do you want to know or learn about social media for students of English?
  • Are there any problems or difficulties in your teaching experience that you have overcome by using social media?

More specific questions

  1. How do/would you handle privacy concerns?
  2. What would you have students actually do with social media?
  3. Do you prefer networks students already use? Why or why not?
  4. What sites or apps do you think offer the most for students?  What are the specific strengths and weaknesses of different social media sites?

We hope to see you in the chat on Tuesday.

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